A Proven System

The Next Level Leadership Academy, founded and led by Steve Jones and Lucas Jadin, emphasizes the 15 core principles that fuel successful teams. With our extensive experience coaching Fortune 500 companies, educational institutions, professional sports teams, and elite military units, we’ve been instrumental in enhancing leadership performance, and now we’re excited to offer this very same program to you.



Build a Winning Culture

Through our unique fusion of leadership principles, mindset development, and a focus on fostering a positive work culture, our program empowers you to become a dedicated leader while also positively impacting your personal growth.

What’s Included

  • Weekly Virtual Group Training
    Informative, 60-minute training sessions packed with actionable insights and tools to drive immediate results.
  • One-on-One Support
    Access personalized guidance and support with private one-on-one email assistance from our experts.
  • Recorded Content
    Revisit course content and access course materials through our mobile app for easy and convenient learning on the go.
  • Next Level Leaders Mastermind
    After completing the course, you qualify to join our Mastermind of leaders from around the world.
  • Private Group Chat
    Stay connected with and supported by your peers and instructors through a private WhatsApp group.
  • Academy Certification
    Receive a Next Level Leadership Academy certificate following the completion of the course.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“If you are looking to get the most out of yourself, look no further than Lucas Jadin. In just a few conversations, Lucas transformed multiple parts of my life. He masterfully asks the right questions while teaching you the concepts and the tools to unlock your true potential. We will work together long into the future.”

“Having worked with many coaches, Lucas is a diamond. Lucas’s style of listening deeply yet pushing hard has helped us reach incredible results. He will reach the parts of you and your team that other business coaches can’t.”

“Lucas’s workshops are the best I’ve seen. Because of our relationship and his talent, the personal growth I’ve experienced in the last 12 months has been more than I’ve experienced in the last 15 years. I can say with absolute certainty that I would not be where I’m at professionally and personally without Lucas – I’m grateful for his guidance and wisdom on this journey.”

“I originally sought out Lucas for specific work in the area of leadership and management, but what I discovered is that Lucas’s training has touched every area of my life personally and professionally. Lucas has empowered me and our team with tangible strategies that allow us to have clarity of thought no matter what the circumstances present. Lucas has helped me access joy that I have seldom experienced across all parts of my life. Working with Lucas has been truly transformative.”

“I originally sought out Lucas for specific work in the area of leadership and management, but what I discovered is that Lucas’s training has touched every area of my life personally and professionally. Lucas has empowered me and our team with tangible strategies that allow us to have clarity of thought no matter what the circumstances present. Lucas has helped me access joy that I have seldom experienced across all parts of my life. Working with Lucas has been truly transformative.”

“Lucas and Steve provide insight and actionable items each week that I can start to use immediately. I have found benefits in meeting with a group of like-minded professionals and find that often they are experiencing the same challenges as myself. Steve and Lucas bring real life scenarios and approaches to help develop leadership skills that I’ve found valuable in both work and my personal life.”

“I really appreciate this group. I’ve been in my career for 15 years and have not been part of a group that was this vulnerable and connected. It has been a completely different experience than I’ve ever had in my whole career. I’ve done similar things, but nothing compares to this. Vulnerability really changed it. We built off a base that was started by Lucas and Steve, and each week the members of the group were able to grow a greater connection.”

“The investment of time and energy that I have given into this program has been so beneficial and worthwhile. Everybody is busy, but these sessions have been the most impactful minutes of my week. What I love the most about the sessions is the focus on prioritization, actionable steps, and the accountability this group creates.”

“Lucas and Steve bring something new and special every week to help the people that we lead thrive. In addition to the new skills, one of the best things about this group the community of people you are surrounded with who are willing to support you and hold you accountable. I can’t recommend the Next Level Leaders Academy more if you are serious about growing as a leader.”

“Lucas & Steve arrive at every session well-prepared and eager to make a meaningful impact on all participants in their program. They conduct themselves with professionalism, aligning their teachings not only with lessons but also drawing from their rich personal experiences. Each session leaves me feeling inspired to continue pursuing my personal and professional growth.”